Featured Businesses

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An Impressive Teen Business

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again…I find it impressive when a teen has so much dedication to create and run a small business. Baylee’s motto…”I want to help make pets and their owners happy everyday!” Well I should say she is achieving that goal as she has

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Expert Encouragement from a Rabbit Bonder

How does one become a rabbit bonder? Well, how does an entrepreneur begin a business? These questions usually begin with an idea, typically born from the love of a personal hobby. Sometimes a persons natural talents start in one direction, but then something within evolves and destiny takes them down

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homemade by Hazell

An Inspiring Featured Business

There is nothing more inspiring than a young entrepreneur. Starting, managing and growing a business takes a lot of skill that you might not associate with a teenager. However for those kids that are successful at it, entrepreneurship can help to encourage growth mindset, curiosity, problem solving skills and instill

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A Remarkable Canadian Featured Business

I am so excited to share with you this month’s Canadian featured business! Many of you may have already heard of them or have even ordered some of their awesome products, but now you can get to know them on a more personal level! Their treats are 100% preservative free

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Recommended Featured Business

My hope in featuring a small business each month, is to help promote the business while alleviating some of their advertising costs. So much cost goes into operating an entrepreneurship, that many business do not see much of a profit. Please take the time to read about TDR’s other featured

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Imaginative Featured Business

The reason behind the monthly featured business is not only to help bring awareness of these imaginative entrepreneurs, but also to give you a glimpse inside their business, their lives and their buns. Sometimes when scrolling on IG you may see a post for an item that they have created,

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Creative Featured Business

Spring is here and it’s the perfect time to feature this amazing small business. As the seasons take a change, so can our creativity become amped up. Nancy creates beautiful cards and hand painted silk items. Read about her process and check out her products on her square site page!

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heather annette bijoux artist

Innovative Featured Business

This is my second featured business and I am happy to say someone who I have also befriended on Instagram. Her work is stunning and I hope you take the time to gain insight into her small business as well as checking out her products. Some small rabbit related businesses

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Inspired Featured Business

Spotlighting a featured business each month is something I have been wanting to do for a while now. Scrolling through Instagram and seeing these rabbit related small business entrepreneurs inspired me to help spread the word. Some businesses seem to be growing and thriving, while others unfortunately are closing their

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