brown rabbit outside

The Heartbreaking Global Plight of Domesticated Rabbits

The worldwide plight of domesticated rabbits is one of overpopulation, neglect, and misunderstanding. This has become a growing global crisis over the past several decades. Pet rabbits are being abandoned and overlooked due to a huge lack of education. The only way to combat their silent suffering is through advocacy

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10 Good Reasons NOT to Get a Pet Rabbit

I can give you ten reasons NOT to get a pet rabbit! Now don’t get me wrong, I really love rabbits and they can make wonderful companions in your household, however, they may not be the right pet for you or your family. Before I get into the detailed reasons

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rabbit island

Rabbit Island…The Somber Truth

Rabbit Island. Yes, it is a real place. If you are unfamiliar with it, you are probably conjuring up all sorts of images of a beautiful bunny paradise. One that has a multitude of rabbits frolicking and playing, ready to nibble your toes while you lie in the sand. Hotels,

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Cruelty Free Awareness

Cruelty free awareness and the realization of the horrors of rabbit (as well as all animal) testing has grown exponentially in recent years. Once I became a rabbit mum myself, I made it a mission to be more aware of the products I buy and the companies they are made

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white rabbit sitting under the moon

The Myth of the Moon Rabbit

The myth of the moon rabbit is prevalent in various cultures, particularly in East Asian folklore. It’s a tale that’s been passed down through generations and has variations in different cultures, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. It can also be found in other cultures around the world such as Indigenous

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The Fun of Astrology and Your Bun

Do you believe in astrology? Have you ever looked up your sun, moon and rising signs? Are they representative of your personality and life? Well, rabbits as well as any pet or animal, also have their own personal zodiac signs too! If you are lucky enough to know your rabbits

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woman with 2 white bunnies on leashes

Rich and Famous Rabbit Owners

There have been a few rich and famous rabbit owners over the years and some have used their voice for rabbit advocacy while others, well let’s just say, seem to have been bunny parents for the photo ops more so than the love of the lago. Rich and Famous Rabbit

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black bunnies on shore of an island

Hy-Brasil And It’s Giant Black Rabbits!

The legend of Hy-Brasil and its giant black rabbits is a fascinating one! I came across this tale years ago and was captivated right from the start. I mean, what bunny lover wouldn’t want to visit a mysterious island that has giant black rabbits! Hy-Brasil, known by a number of

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tan bunny with facts beside it

5 Fun Facts About Rabbits

Are you ready to learn 5 fun facts about rabbits? Not only do they make awesome pets, but they are very interesting creatures too! FACTS…FACTS…FACTS…FACTS…FACTS Rabbits are crepuscular: Many people think rabbits are nocturnal because domesticated rabbits sleep all day and well you rarely see wild rabbits hopping around outside.

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