Meet My Bunnies!
Avery (mom), Grilly (dad) and their daughter Onyx
On January 25th, just 23 days after Chester hopped over the rainbow bridge, we picked up the trio and brought them home. Grilly (the little gray bun) was the first to come out of the carrier and explore. It took a while for the two girls, but slowly they emerged too. We used to look in wonder at having a rabbit running freely in our home. Now it was flat out amazement that we had 3! This family was on the older side…parents being 6 and daughter 5. After 5 months and no interest from anyone to adopt them, they were deemed sanctuary bunnies and would live the rest of their lives with us. What a joy it was watching the 3 bunnies interact and socialize not only between themselves, but with us. Once they became comfortable and felt safe in their new surroundings, they loved to run and hop and play all day.
Our hearts broke once again when Avery crossed over the rainbow bridge Nov 1, 2021 just 3 months shy of being here 2 years. She had just turned 8 the previous summer. Avery was the one out of the trio that we could pick up and snuggle. And talk about beautiful! She had the longest prettiest eyelashes ever! Avery was very much the matriarch, very inquisitive and a naughty nunu (her nickname for chewing holes in our couch), yet at the same time the most loving, outgoing bunny. As much as I was mad about the holes at the time, I would gladly have a couch full of holes if only to have her back with us right now.
I started out by saying we were led to Chester by divine intervention. I believe we were guided to be his family so we could love and learn about rabbits. After all, timing is everything and it was just after Chester left us that we began our work with Hop on Home Rabbit Sanctuary. That made it possible for us to save these other 7 precious souls and give them a second chance at life and love.
Well, the foster fail bug bit us and since have added to our brood!
My Fluffle!
First up is Grilly. He got his name because at 6 years old he came to us as Lillian. Being a boy we wanted to give him a more manly name, but wanted the same intonation so he could understand when we called him. Since he is gray and was a lil, we combined them to be Grill! He is a mini rex and is about to turn 10! Not so adventurous anymore, as he has severe arthritis, he spends most of his days napping.
Next is Miss Onyx, Grilly’s daughter who just turned 9. She is a rex and takes after her mama in size. She also takes after her mama in temperament being a naughty nunu too! She spends most of her day curled up next to her dad snoozing and grooming him.
Third is Winter Nicholas. His name was Winter when he came to us, but I wanted to add to it. My son’s friends call him Nic Winter 005 (like James Bond lol)We got him to bond with Onyx so she would have a friend. Although bonded, he and Grilly are best of buds! Sadly, Winter had been discarded on the side of a highway, but luckily a good samaritan saved him. We don’t know his age or breed but he is estimated to be about 6. (UPDATE: On June 19, within a 20 minute span Winter became quite ill, developed head tilt and other symptoms of E Cuniculi. Winter hopped over the rainbow bridge just 9 days later. You can follow his story here).
Then we have Agnes Weir aka Aggie. She was named after my grandmother. (Her sisters are Hildie and Jane, like 3 old fashioned women!) She and her Californian siblings were taken from a hoarding abusive situation. She fostered with us for 5 weeks, healing her missing bitten ear-tip and gaining weight until she was adopted. Unfortunately the adoption didn’t work and so I asked for her to come back to us since she had been through so much in her life. After 7 months we decided to adopt her. We don’t know her age, but suspect she may be around 5-6.
Clover is my special bun and we have a special story you can read on the homepage. She is a Havana mix and estimated to be around 2 yrs old.
Finally we have Eleanor Rose aka Ellie. She is a year and a half and quite the nosey nillie! She is the only bunny that actually has gone up and down the stairs and wandered around the house! We are not sure of her breed but suspect she has some Polish in her. She loves being on the bed and has giant footses! The minute I saw her she reminded me of a gray version of Chester and I knew I had to have her!